Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Getting in the game.

Well, here goes nothing. After years of reading the blogs of others and writing comments and emails, I figure it's time to get off the sidelines and throw my two cents worth into the blogosphere. So, from this point onward I will use this page as my outlet for all the frustration, heartbreak, anger, despair and false hope that the Toronto Raptors organization are bound to provide me with in the weeks, months and years ahead. If you've ever been, or even known, a Raps fan, you'd understand that it is about 1/2 degree removed from outright masichism, only more emotionally gut-wrenching. I'll also be tossing out various links to whatever happens to pique my interest in the world of sports on the internet on any particular day, so it won't be all me bitching about my team.

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